Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Creator's Way In-Home Lifestyle Program

Our next In-Home Lifestyle Program is from September 12-26, 2010.

In this program the attendees are able to experience have a lifestyle program in the comfort of a home. They will participate in a cleansing program, organic juicing, cooking classes, health seminars, hydrotherapy & natural remedy classes, as well as being able to experience the hydrotherapy treatments for themselves. Before leaving we work with each person to fit their new lifestyle habits into the routine that they will have when they go home.

If you have any questions about the program please contact us at:

Blessings to you all,



Monday, August 23, 2010

A Summer Greeting...

We pray that each of you have been blessed this summer season! We have been. One of our blessings was the opportunity to do quite a bit of traveling and sharing with others how God has been working in our lives.

One highlight of the summer was the opportunity to attend the 59th General Conference Session for Seventh-day Adventists. There were around 70-80,000 people there on the weekends from all over the world. It was a wonderful time to fellowship and connect with believes from around the globe. While there we were also able to share with others about the ministry the Lord has given us to help others by healing through His means. We were able to assist by having some health consultations, chair-massages, and simply sharing how the Lord has used natural remedies, hydrotherapy and diet & nutrition to help others.

This past year has been full of learning, teaching and sharing. The Lord blessed and we were able to conduct several seminars around the state: in homes, churches, and restaurants. We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead and are anxiously awaiting what God has in store for our ministry.

Right now we are in the final stages of pulling together a seminar especially for women on the topic of Hormones. Over the past few years we have been amazed that nearly all women, young and old, struggle with hormonal issues and many don’t even realize it. Excitingly it can be reversed with a few easy solutions. Due to this need we are offering Hormone seminars to all interested. If you would like more information about how to have this seminar or any other seminars presented in your area please contact us.

Some other seminars we present are:

  • The Acid-Alkaline Connection
  • Natural Remedies & Hydrotherapy
  • Healthful Cooking Classes
  • Diet, Nutrition & Physiology Seminars
  • and more...

To Schedule an event:

Email us at: or call at:(231) 631-2395

For questions or free health consultation please email us at:

Visit our website for more information about our ministry:

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome to our blog...

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to our blog for The Creator's Way.

On here we will be posting helpful tools for restoring or maintaining optimum health. To give you the tools you need to not be a victim of circumstances. To help prevent and reverse the effects of lifestyle diseases that are plaguing humanity around the world, such as: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. We are sure that you will be as excited as we are at how simple and easy this information is.

We welcome your comments and questions.

We are confident that you will be blessed.
